Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 10: Space!

I just read an article describing Bigelow Aerospace's plan to introduce inflatable habitations that could be used in space. The first one will soon be attached to the International Space Station for a two-year-long test, but the company hopes that these units, termed Bigelow Expanding Activity Modules (BEAMs), could eventually exist in space apart from the ISS. This could help ease the demand on the ISS from smaller space programs that don't get as much time on board as programs like NASA do. There is also hope that this will be an important first step towards the commercialization of space. Not only does it have the possibility of initiating space tourism, but it also may give rise to the development of new industries that don't necessarily have to depend on governments.

Leaked photo of actual space tourists. 

This would also be a great way to increase the number of opportunities for scientific research. Not only would there be a wider variety of places to choose from to do microgravity research in fields like biology or medicine, but I think as commercial space programs become more legitimate, on-the-ground research that supplements those programs will become more of a focus as well. We need to take steps forward in the space industry both for their own sake and to keep things moving forward here on Earth.

Finally, I think these habitations would be a really great way of increasing popular support for the space program. Like a true pioneer, Robert Bigelow, the founder of Bigelow Aerospace, really drew attention to what is truly one of the most important goals in the space industry today: "We would love to see Disney have a Disney space station. Wouldn't that be cool?"

It would indeed be cool, Mr. Bigelow.


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