Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 11: WS19 #2

2. Resolving organic chemistry in disks: It is debated whether the Earth's water and organics originated from material forming around 4 AU (asteroid-like) or 30 AU (comet-like). We would therefore like to know what the differences in the organic composition is between these two locations in protoplanetary disks. One of the interesting organics CH3CN emits strongly at 239 GHz. How big of a telescope would you need to resolve a difference in chemical composition between 4 AU and 30 AU in the nearest star-forming region? How does the required telescope size compare with the biggest steerable radio telescope in operation, the 100 m Green Bank Telescope (GBT)? To the longest baseline in the ALMA interferometer of 10 km? 

First, we should figure out what the wavelength the acetonitrile is emitting at.
Let's assume that the nearest star-forming region is 150 parsecs away.

Since we're comparing the signal at 4 AU and 30 AU, the top will be the difference: 26 AU. In order to calculate the angle, we can use the small angle approximation.
Finally we can calculate the necessary diameter of the telescope.
To get the necessary resolution for this, the GBT would be way too small. ALMA is also a bit small, but is the right order of magnitude.

1 comment:

  1. I think you ended up with an extra order of magnitude somewhere. The correct result is ~1.8km. I believe the error is in your calculation of 26AU / 150 pc.
